ObjectGears – Is it a ServiceNow alternative?
ServiceNow is for many a synonym of a great software for managing IT processes. Its flexibility is provided above others also by scripting possibilities which can elegantly solve various specific requirements. Scripting brings first wide possibilities of combining required features and behavior (such that cannot be really „clicked“ through some pre-designed user interface) and second ability to manage settings „on the fly“, when the script responses to facts that are occurring but cannot be predicted in advance.
Many companies find the monthly license price (monthly fees) too high and are not willing to pay it anymore. Therefore, they are looking for an alternative that would match ServiceNow in features that it provides. Companies that already use ServiceNow are sometimes struggling with upgrades and operation in cloud.
How is ObjectGears responding to that? ObjectGears price policy is set up in such a way in order it does not present an obstacle and every company solving IT processes could afford it. The customer decides whether they want to operate the software in cloud and pay a monthly fee or they get licenses with a one-time payment and operate the solution on premise or at a third party according to their choice.

Figure: Service catalogue is an IT face and interface towards customers.
In order to keep vendor support ServiceNow has to be kept up to date, max. several versions back and regularly perform upgrades. If you feel pain during upgrades when due to customizations deployment of a new software version becomes a demanding project consuming many resources, ObjectGears will make you happy. ObjectGears upgrade does not influence your applications functionalities. The upgrade only makes accessible new functionalities and the old ones are kept as they are. Hence, you can use new possibilities step by step according to your ability, priorities and plans.
What makes ObjectGears so powerful tool for managing so many areas? Besides already mentioned scripting it is a sophisticated system of access rights, full-bodied workflow, reporting and other functionalities.
In comparison with the current situation you will appreciate division of your instance into models. You can use ObjectGears easily to create further applications that will help you to manage new challenges and needs arising in front of your company. With ObjectGears you do not have all the objects in one heap but assigned to particular models which make the application more transparent and solves also separation of functionalities from the access rights perspectives. You can also copy particular models, move them to other instances and test their functionality.

Figure: Configuration items of various types are stepping through all the IT processes. You can find them in projects, tasks, incidents etc. and in Knowledge base articles.
What you will also get?
Ready-made solutions for a wide spectrum of IT processes, Knowledge base, Program and portfolio management.
Effective localization of applications into languages according to your choice.
Flexibility in changes – you will not have to tell users "This is not possibile.“ anymore.
Order of magnitude cost savings in licenses. Business case will definitely make your CEO and CFO happy.
Become master in a modern system by means of which you will be able to provide your organization with a solution to the needs that were so far rejected with a reference to other priorities or lack of resources. Recognition by your colleagues will be just a first step in your success. People from ObjectGears and partnering companies will support you.